The old implementation steadily grows in efficiency until it reaches the cap. In this graph you can see the difference between the old and new implementation. We have changed this so that initial production efficiency growth is relatively fast, but it slows down as the lines become more efficient. In Hearts of Iron IV, production efficiency used to have linear growth. Whenever you start something new, initial progress is usually pretty quick but as as you keep working on it, each incremental improvement becomes harder and harder. There’s a certain truth to this and it applies to more areas than programming.
This is a famous joke in software development that is attributed to Tom Cargill of Bell Labs.
The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time. The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time. Finally we felt that the value of infrastructure and infrastructure giving national focuses was too low and this will change this up quite a bit! The other reason is to slow down the growth of industry in the mid to late game, which we felt was too excessive (we have also worked with tech progression here). We wanted to ensure that some states are more valuable than others as they will naturally become centers of industrialization.

Once this mess has cleared out of my system, I'll get back to work again.The reason for this change is twofold. Now I am going to shut everything down for a few days and try to get well. Bless you all for sticking around, I love you guys, really. But now I'll lean on it in a time of need. I've always used this income to first invest back into my projects. So, those of you who are subscribed, thank you so much. Luckily the small amount I make in patreon helps. To add insult to injury, while my wife is locked down, her job doesn't allow her to work remotely. I honestly don't know how much more bullshit I can deal with at this point. The coughing and everything else were one thing but now with this ear infection. But it's hard to focus while I am now dealing with this ear infection.

All the writing is done, and I did get some of the first images rendered. Serenity 1.3 development has been slow, but I didn't stop working on it completely. Turns out that covid can actually cause you to have an inner-ear infection which affects your balance.

It has been like a super severe cold and just this morning I noticed my right ear was hurting and I can't hear out of it.

For me, this covid infection is different. We had some friends drop off groceries and other items we needed and have locked ourselves down. Anyway, we had to cancel our plans for family to come. It sucks because Christmas is something that we both love very much. We've been locked down since she first developed symptoms on Christmas Eve day. My wife and I both have covid again, and we didn't even get to do Christmas. And now a new setback has presented itself. The last few months have been a mess of setbacks in my personal life which has set everything back. I announced in my last update that version 1.3 would be the last for this build of Serenity, and that I would be taking a break from that project to focus on Last Human. Serenity is now about a year and a half old.